Prayer is simply communication with God but there also many ways of praying. We will look at many ways later. Firstly, the above scripture tells us that God is extremely interested in You and your life. Another verse in Psalm 33:13-15 is similar but also explains to us God’s deep concern for our lives.
“The Lord Jehovah looks from heaven. He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling, He looks. On all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashions their hearts individually. He considers all their works”
The first Psalm we read Psalm 14:2 contains some powerful truths. Once again as we examine the Hebrew text we discover that the words “understand” and “seek” have stronger meanings. Understand here means “wise wanting success”. I guess we all want success in our lives but God says that those who desire this have an option and that is to “seek God”. Seeking God incorporates going to church to hear God’s word for you that week, prayer, bible study, fasting, meditation, etc. God responds to people who are “wise wanting success” by revealing hidden truths and promises from His Word to help you become successful in every area of your life. Seek here means “pursuing, follow, inquiring diligently”.
Seeking God is a way of life. It is having our lives in order starting with a strong, solid relationship with God. A diligent seeker is a serious, reverent person who is on a mission to know more of God. A diligent seeker craves for God every day.
Jesus said “seek and you will find” the word “find” here in the Greek text means to obtain and to perceive”. To perceive or to know truths (hidden mysteries of success) are all ready to be uncovered for you as you become a diligent seeker.
There are many ways to pray. Here are some different ways!
Ordinary Prayer This is simply communicating with God through Jesus Christ. Talking with the Father as you would with someone you really love. Being intimate, sharing your deepest most treasured thoughts and desires. By following the Lord’s example as He communicates with the Father. Matthew 6:9-13
Petition Prayer This type of prayer is when we bring our requests to God. God is interested in us bringing our needs to Him. He already knows what we need but He is seeing whether we come to Him for them. I will usually write out my prayer request and petition them to God. In this type of prayer, I come to God in respect and with a thankful heart. Like a child to a loving parent requesting something. Philippians 4:4-7
Intercessory Prayer Actually all type of praying is intercessory as this simply means you are standing in the gap for a situation. Praying for family, friends or loved ones. Praying for their salvation, healing, deliverance, etc. In this type of praying I always take authority over demonic spirits that may be influencing that person or situation and then I release what God’s Word say’s about the situation. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Warfare Prayer This type of prayer is militant praying and it takes on a warrior attitude. Think of it like this. You are a General in the greatest and most powerful army in the universe. Your Commander and Chief (Jesus Christ) supports and acts on every spoken prayer according to His will that you pray. When you shout demons down they go. When you release healing, angels are commissioned. Our fight is a good fight and we always win in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 & Ephesians 6:10-18
Praying in the Spirit Perhaps the most powerful way to pray is when our “spirit man” inside of our flesh prays pure heavenly, spirit-led prayer. Only the “Born-Again” believer has the right to be filled and baptised with the Holy Spirit. God fills us with supernatural energy that is released as we speak in “tongues”.
“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men But to God, for no one understands him, however, in the spirit He speaks mysteries” 1 Corinthians 14:2
All “tongues” are heavenly by nature. It is a language, it is not mumbling or gibberish. Remember, Satan understands when you pray in an earthly tongue. He hears your prayer and begins to do everything possible to stop it from being answered. So don’t give up too soon in your prayers. However, Satan cannot understand prayer in “tongues” to him it is cryptic and in code as such but God understands your prayer very well. I pray in tongues most of the time in my private prayer. I have found that it is the second greatest tool other than God’s Word that I have in my life. Praise the Lord! 1 Corinthians 14:1-15
Please study the following scriptures Matthew 7:7-11, Isaiah 55:6, Luke 19:1-10